
Relaxation Exercises


McKinley’s Relaxation Exercises can be used directly from the computer (will need audio capability), or they can be downloaded to your MP3 player. 


  1. Do not practice relaxation exercises while operating a vehicle or other machinery
  2. If you have physical, mental, and/or emotional limitations consult with your provider prior to engaging in relaxation exercises.


  • Guided Imagery
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Deep Breathing
  • Relaxation Music

Guided Imagery

Guided Imagery is a technique that utilizes visualization, i.e. creating mental images and sensations, to enhance an individual’s natural ability to perform, change, or cope in various life situations. 

Health Benefits include reduction of worry and anxiety, decrease in blood pressure, strengthening of the immune system, and improved quality of sleep. Other benefits may include increased self-esteem and optimism. 

Guided imagery gives you time to help clear your mind from daily worries and focus on a relaxing place or theme.

  • One thing to keep in mind is that it is okay to alter an image that may not be suitable to you.
  • As you listen to these guided imagery scripts, if another image comes to mind, go with it. That is okay.

You will need a comfortable location to sit down that is free of distractions. If you would like, adjust the lighting of the space you are in to make it calm and relaxing. 

Guided Imagery Intro

Guided Imagery Exercises

  1. Ocean Retreat - Beach Imagery 
  2. Trip to the Beach - Beach Imagery
  3. Spring Meadow
  4. Mountain Trail 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is simply isolating one muscle group; creating tension for a short period of time; and then letting the muscle relax and the tension go. This procedure of creating tension and then releasing it is applied to every major muscle group of the body, and ultimately results in a sense of peacefulness and overall relaxed muscles.

  • Muscle tension is one of the more common responses to stress. This technique can help condition your body to relax tensed areas of the body when discomfort is experienced.

What to expect?

You will be asked to tense a muscle group either by tightening, clinching, or curling the area and then hold it for a few moments before letting it relax. Your breathing will be very important to focus on while doing this technique.

  • Taking deep, slow, diaphragmatic breaths will slow down your mind and body to help create a sense of relaxation.
  • Take your time with this technique and enjoy the freedom of tension being released from your mind and body.

You will need a comfortable location to sit down, free of distractions, and focus on your body. If you like, adjust the lighting in your space to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. 

PMR Intro

Progressive Muscle Exercises

  1. Head to Toe 
  2. Toe to Head

Deep Breathing

  1. Deep Breathing Exercise

Relaxation Music (Music Only)

  1. Rolling Countryside
    Audio file
  2. Wild Calls
    Audio file
  3. Rainstack
    Audio file