Rehab & Sports Therapy


Physical Therapy and Athletic Training services are available when a referral is made by one of McKinley's providers.  If you have been seen by an outside healthcare provider, you will need to schedule an appointment with a McKinley provider to receive a referral to be seen in Rehab and Sports Therapy.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy services are offered on a limited basis to students suffering from general musculoskeletal problems. The therapist works with students one-on-one in the rehabilitation of injuries and problems not requiring surgery. An emphasis is placed on the student’s self-management of their problem.

Watch Stretches to Recover Muscles and Release Pain/Tension

Athletic Training

Athletic Training services include evaluation, prevention, treatment and reconditioning of sports/exercise-related injuries. The athletic trainer also teaches and supervises rehabilitation exercises and administers diagnostic agencies such as ultrasound.