Self-Care Stations


The McKinley Self-Care Stations provide over-the-counter self-care supplies. All supplies are included as part of your health service fee, and are provided at no extra cost to you. You will need to present your student i-card before you can receive any items.

You may pick up the following items twice per semester:

Cold Care Products
Cold care medications are available to help alleviate your cold symptoms:

  • decongestant to help with a stuffy nose
  • cough medicine to help relieve chest congestion
  • acetaminophen or ibuprofen (NOT BOTH) for your aches, pains, or fever
  • Halls throat lozenges for your sore throat
  • sore throat spray
  • nasal decongestant spray

Pseudoephedrine in tablet form will continue to be available for use through clinician prescriptions only.

Home Pregnancy Test Kit
The home pregnancy test kit contains two tests.

Yeast Infection Treatment Kit
The kit contains yeast treatment materials. This product cures most vaginal yeast infections and relieves vulvar itching and irritation associated with a yeast infection.

Wound Care Pack
The wound care package contains an assortment of bandages, gauze and ointment, as well as instructions, to help you care for minor wounds. Wound Care Handout

Allergy Pack
The allergy pack contains both long-acting (non-sedating) and short-acting (possibly sedating) medications, tissues, and hand sanitizer to address common allergy symptoms like a runny nose and sneezing.

You may pick up the following items every two weeks:

Condom Pack
Condoms, sometimes called external condoms, are put onto a penis or sex toy to provide protection during oral, anal, and vaginal sex. There are five types of condoms, available for you to choose what’s right for you: two types of lubricated, non-lubricated, non-latex, and extra-large.

Lubricant or Spermicide Gel
Lube helps to decrease friction during sex (all types of sex-oral, anal, vaginal, outercourse) which can help reduce condom breakage and increase pleasure. Spermicidal gel can help to decrease some friction like lube, but also contains a sperm-killing agent. The spermicidal gel provides some protect against pregnancy, no protection against STIs, so is most effective when used with a barrier method of birth control. Lube does not protect against pregnancy or STIs and should be used with a barrier method of birth control. Remember water-based and silicone-based lubes are safe to use with latex.

You can only pick up one of these two products every two weeks.

Latex Barriers
Latex barriers, sometimes called dental dams, provide STI protection during oral stimulation (oral sex) of the vagina or anus. You can choose from a variety of flavor-scented latex barriers.

You may pick up the following items once per year:

Sleep Pack
The sleep pack includes a variety of items and resources to help improve your sleep routine. Such items include an eye mask, ear plugs, lavender wipes, tea, etc. A replenish sleep pack is available once per year for when you run out of supplies. These packs are only available at our physical locations located at McKinley and the Illini Union.

Narcan Nasal Spray
Narcan is an opioid medication to reverse or reduce the effects of an opioid overdose. Instructions for administering NARCAN are included. For more information visit: Opioid Overdose Treatment - NARCAN® (naloxone HCl) Nasal Spray. Note: that staff may pick up NARCAN at the Illini Union HRC only.


Locations Hours of Operation
  • McKinley Health Center, Main Lobby                       
  • 1109 South Lincoln Avenue
  • Urbana, Illinois, 61801
  • Monday - Friday
  • 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
  • Illini Union, Room 40, Lower Level
  • 1401 West Green Street
  • Urbana, Illinois 61801
  • 217-244-5994
  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Saturday
  • 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Closed Summers


Other Campus Locations (Fall and Spring Semesters Only)

Location Hours of Operation
  • Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center
  • 1212 West Nevada
  • Urbana, Illinois, 61801
  • 217-333-2092
  • Wednesday
  • 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Asian American Cultural Center
  • 1210 West Nevada
  • Urbana, Illinois, 61801
  • 217-333-9300
  • Tuesday
  • 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • La Casa Cultural Latina, Library on 2nd Floor
  • 1203 West Nevada 
  • Urbana, Illinois, 61801
  • 217-333-4950
  • Thursday
  • 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Native American House, Main Lobby
  • 1206 West Nevada
  • Urbana, Illinois, 61801
  • 217-265-0632
  • Tuesday
  • 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (every other week)


Vending Machine Locations

Location Hours of Operation
SDRP Mail Room when building open
Grainger Library Main level            when building open
ACES Library Main Level when building open
Illini Union 1st Floor SE when building open